About Me

My photo
I'm pretty driven by all that is artistic. I enjoy and believe in the therapeutic qualities that art has in it's various mediums. Many of my works depict the colors found in the ancient healing stone azurite, hence the name of my blog. I find comfort in drawing and painting without preconceived thought and love watching how patterns and compositions come together unexpectedly. I'm a pretty laid back person, sometimes all over the place and overly contemplative, but for the most part normal, I think. Spend lots of time with my family and every waking second with fred. I can't wait til the day all the puzzle pieces are in place and we can travel somewhere together for once.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ghetto Mocha

1 pkg Carnation instant cocoa  mix
8oz fresh dark roast coffee

Mix and enjoy!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

my hope for our life

As long as we have LOVE, we have hope and perseverance to BELIEVE in the strength that we're capable of from this point looking forward, and leave everything in the hands of the unknown, infinite and divine. As we LIVE, struggle and rejoice in what life brings us, one day we'll look back and be proud of our journey.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Livin on Love lyrics by Alan Jackson

Two young people without a thing
Say some vows and spread their wings
Settle down with just what they need
Livin on love

She dont care 'bout whats in style
She just likes the wayhe smiles
It takes more than marble and tile
Livin on love

Livin on love, buyin on time
Without somebody nothing aint worth a dime
Just like an old fashioned story book rhyme
Livin on love
It sounds simple thats what you're thinkin'
But love can walk through fire without blinkin'
It doesnt take much when you get enough
Livin' on love

Two old people without a thing
Children gone but still they sing
Side by side in that front porch swing
Livin on love
He cant see anymore
And she can barely sweep the floor
Hand in hand they'll walk through that door
Just livin on love

Livin on love, buyin on time
Without somebody nothing aint worth a dime
Just like an old fashioned story book rhyme
Livin on love
It sounds simple thats what you're thinkin'
But love can walk through fire without blinkin'
It doesnt take much when you get enough
Livin' on love
No it doesnt take much when you get enough
Livin' on love

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to Win Your Boyfriend at Beer Pong (one on one)

It's just that I got so tired of loosing and with the whole "whoever wins get's a back rub" terms, I was going to be doing a back rub for eternity! So I decided to play with the terms a little bit. I explained that if he won again, then he's a Real Man. But if I win, then he's just a Little Boy. Turns out the pressure is overwhelming and ta-daa, I win :). lol. I know, that's messed up.

(chalk pastel drawing I did when I was in college 6 years ago, when I actually knew how to play beer pong)

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Back Roads

Took the back roads today since the highway was backed up. I ended up getting a little lost, and late, but I didn’t regret it because I saw sooo many cool spots I probably never would have seen otherwise. Made me feel a little better about taking a little longer to get where I’m at now in life. I’ll never regret the really cool spots I’ve experienced along the way.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Maggy's gettin old

Had a sad moment yesterday. I had to get a few things for Maggy at Petsmart and while waiting in line, I glanced at what the couple in front of me was getting...a chew toy, puppy food, puppy shampoo. Then I looked at what I was getting for my doggy....bladder control medicine and hip&joint supplements :(. My doggy's not a puppy anymore, she's an old girl. Sad day :(. I remember when she was still a puppy and wild and crazy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Respect your trash man!

I’m sure you all have experienced this, a huge ass trash truck going 10 miles per hour on the street holding everybody up when you’re already running late because of the unexpected heavy snowfall. So what do you do, haul ass around them, ride the back of them regardless of the Caution Keep Your Distance sign posted on the back of it, possibly flip them off because they’ve now inherited your entire frustration of the stupid snowy drive to work, daycare, home, etc.....Next time, try to stop and think about the person operating the monster vehicle that’s annoying the crap out of you. This is a person who breaks their back, literally, everyday- to not only sustain the sanitation of your business and community, but also working their ass off to sustain the security of their own family and personal livelihood. While this person is ensuring that your nice little ecosystem is maintained, remember that when you fly by him/her or yell at them and possibly cause them to have an accident – easy to do with a 4 ton truck with summertime tires that spin on the inside of the chains instead of gripping to the ground thanks to a company-wide decision to save a buck on winter tires  – that one little accident WILL either- threaten their job or put them on probation and be forced to take days off. You see, in these sort of positions, if you even bump a stagnate pole in the ground and damage someone else's property, you not only loose reward points for the YEAR that allow you to get some measly little useless gadget that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to buy yourself, but you loose your safety bonus for the YEAR!

So next time you see your local trash man, instead of putting your nose up at him and looking at him in disgust because of his/her ‘dirty job’ (happens more often than you think unfortunately), next time give him a little nod of appreciation. At work, instead of standing outside smoking cigarettes with your coworkers while you watch the garbage man almost in tears with frustration while he tries to pull a trash can out from behind the snow you just pushed in front of it with a shovel for the third time in his day, maybe be a little more considerate of the person cleaning up after you. Not to mention he's still recovering from a recent knucle surgery from work, a permanent pinched nerve in his upper back, a pulled groin, and freezing cold hands! My dad told me this story last night, almost had me in tears. Not just because of realizing the physical and mental pain he goes through on a daily basis, but because of my natural guilt that he does this for us! As his body slowly breaks down everyday, he has to deal with this, this is his life. I know my measly little sandwich that I make him for his lunch will never be equal to the hard work he endures everyday for us, but it’s all I can do for now, at least until I win the lottery and he doesn’t have to work anymore.  

Cheers to trash men and all the other laborers out there!